In January 2019 we had the inaugural exhibition of linocuts at the Arma Museum Gallery. The exhibition was a huge success, see the video below. We had our second exhibition in 2020 which was our last workshop before Covid. We are recommencing the workshop in January 2024 but will not be exhibiting with this workshop.
This is a fantastic opportunity to exhibit in a top Ubud Gallery, ( please note gallery takes a 40% commission on sales). We are looking at marketing and promotion and more information will be available soon. I will be working closely with Ketut the museum curator to make this a thoroughly professional exhibition and a beautiful opening night .
Opening night Saturday 18th January 2020, everyone is welcome to attend. Feel free to participate in the linocut workshop again or incorporate the opening into your own Bali Holiday! If you are unable to come to Bali you can send your unframed linocut to me and I will take it to Ubud and organise the framing.
I am hoping all previous participants will put in at least one piece.

Entry fee for the exhibition is as follows in Australian Dollars:
- One entry $30 or IND Rupia 300,000
- Two entries $50 or IND Rupia 500,000
- Three entries $60 or IND Rupia 600,000
Payment by direct deposit include the following:
Opening night costs tea coffee and light refreshments will be supplied free of charge at the opening, so this cost is included in your entry fee. We have decided to make wine and beer available for sale at reasonable prices rather than providing alcoholic drinks to keep opening costs down.
Framing of your piece(s) is included in this fee, however if you are not present for the exhibition closing unsold works will be returned without the frame. Due to the cost and difficulty of sending framed works.
Transport of your artwork to Bali for those who get their unframed work to me before Christmas.

Curation and hanging of the exhibition.
Invitations design and printing.
Please contact me to register your interest and receive terms and conditions and bank details.
The exhibition will be held in the Museum lobby building where we had our classes last year we had all the student work up on one side of the room and larger pieces by Shana James and Ebony Russell on the other side of the room.